First of all I want to personally thank each and every one of you who is reading this. I want to make sure I post this to ensure people don’t get the wrong impression of us. Over the last 2 months Dead Fix has received over 2,600 emails and submissions. I never thought this site would get to this point 5 months ago when it started. We are doing this out of pure pleasure and to make sure all of you have something to do while at work. We are trying to fuck most businesses by making you unproductive.

I have a full time job which is pretty fucking demanding as well as a shit load of personal shit that I have to do daily. My point to this is that my main goal is to respond to every single email that goes through Dead Fix no matter how small or long it is. Every single email will get answered. I just don’t want any of you to think, “hey why the fuck aren’t these niggas getting back to me?” No worries I promise we will.

On a side note we are now hitting the 650,000 page views per month; which is fucking bad ass! This also means we should have more followers on twitter and Facebook so follows on there!!! We are going to start doing giveaways and random material just for those two.

So last thing; Dead Fix VII is on it’s way…. 98% done… Might be launching in the next week or so….

We really appreciate all the love and support.

Dead Fix

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